Automatic Ligand parameterization tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Ibuprofen small compound (3-letter code IBP, Drugbank code DB01050), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) derived from propionic acid and it is considered the first of the propionics.

OpenBabel and ACPype packages are used to add hydrogens, energetically minimize the structure, and generate parameters for the GROMACS package. With Generalized Amber Force Field (GAFF) forcefield and AM1-BCC charges.

Biobb modules used:

  • biobb_io: Tools to fetch data to be consumed by the rest of the Biobb building blocks.

  • biobb_chemistry: Tools to manipulate chemistry data.

Auxiliary libraries used

  • jupyter: Free software, open standards, and web services for interactive computing across all programming languages.

  • nglview: Jupyter/IPython widget to interactively view molecular structures and trajectories in notebooks.

Conda Installation and Launch

git clone
cd biobb_wf_ligand_parameterization
conda env create -f conda_env/environment.yml
conda activate biobb_ligand_parameterization_tutorial
jupyter-notebook biobb_wf_ligand_parameterization/notebooks/biobb_ligand_parameterization_tutorial.ipynb

Pipeline steps:

  1. Input Parameters

  2. Fetching Ligand Structure

  3. Add Hydrogen Atoms

  4. Energetically Minimize Hydrogen Atoms

  5. Generating Ligand Parameters

  6. Output Files

  7. Questions & Comments

Initializing colab

The two cells below are used only in case this notebook is executed via Google Colab. Take into account that, for running conda on Google Colab, the condacolab library must be installed. As explained here, the installation requires a kernel restart, so when running this notebook in Google Colab, don’t run all cells until this installation is properly finished and the kernel has restarted.

# Only executed when using google colab
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  import subprocess
  from pathlib import Path
  try:["conda", "-V"], check=True)
  except FileNotFoundError:[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "condacolab"], check=True)
    import condacolab
    # Clone repository
    repo_URL = ""
    repo_name = Path(repo_URL).name.split('.')[0]
    if not Path(repo_name).exists():["mamba", "install", "-y", "git"], check=True)["git", "clone", repo_URL], check=True)
      print("⏬ Repository properly cloned.")
    # Install environment
    print("⏳ Creating environment...")
    env_file_path = f"{repo_name}/conda_env/environment.yml"["mamba", "env", "update", "-n", "base", "-f", env_file_path], check=True)
    print("🎨 Install NGLView dependencies...")["mamba", "install", "-y", "-c", "conda-forge", "nglview==3.0.8", "ipywidgets=7.7.2"], check=True)
    print("👍 Conda environment successfully created and updated.")
# Enable widgets for colab
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  from google.colab import output
  # Change working dir
  import os
  print(f"📂 New working directory: {os.getcwd()}")

Input parameters

Input parameters needed:

  • ligandCode: 3-letter code of the ligand structure (e.g. IBP, Drugbank code DB01050)

  • mol_charge: Molecule net charge (e.g. -1)

  • pH: Acidity or alkalinity for the small molecule. Hydrogen atoms will be added according to this pH. (e.g. 7.4)

import nglview
import ipywidgets
import os

ligandCode = 'IBP'
mol_charge = 0
pH = 7.4

Fetching ligand structure

Downloading ligand structure in PDB format from the IRB PDB MIRROR database.
Alternatively, a PDB file can be used as starting structure.

Building Blocks used:

  • Ligand from biobb_io.api.ligand

# Ligand: Download ligand structure from MMB PDB mirror REST API (
# Import module
from biobb_io.api.ligand import ligand

# Create prop dict and inputs/outputs
input_structure = ligandCode + '.pdb'

prop = {
    'ligand_code' : ligandCode

#Create and launch bb

Visualizing 3D structure

Visualizing the downloaded/given ligand PDB structure using NGL:

#Show small ligand structure
view = nglview.show_structure_file(input_structure)
view.add_representation(repr_type='ball+stick', selection='all')
view._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['','300px'])'orthographic'

Add Hydrogen Atoms

Adding Hydrogen atoms to the small molecule, according to the given pH.

Building Blocks used:

# Babel_add_hydrogens: add Hydrogen atoms to a small molecule
# Import module
from biobb_chemistry.babelm.babel_add_hydrogens import babel_add_hydrogens

# Create prop dict and inputs/outputs
output_babel_h = ligandCode + '.H.mol2' 

prop = {
    'ph' : pH,
    'input_format' : 'pdb',
    'output_format' : 'mol2'

#Create and launch bb

Visualizing 3D structure

Visualizing the ligand PDB structure with the newly added hydrogen atoms using NGL:

#Show small ligand structure
view = nglview.show_structure_file(output_babel_h)
view.add_representation(repr_type='ball+stick', selection='all')'orthographic'

Energetically minimize Hydrogen Atoms

Energetically minimize newly added Hydrogen atoms.

Building Blocks used:

# Babel_minimize: Structure energy minimization of a small molecule after being modified adding hydrogen atoms
# Import module
from biobb_chemistry.babelm.babel_minimize import babel_minimize

# Create prop dict and inputs/outputs
output_babel_min = ligandCode + '.H.min.pdb'                              
prop = {
    'method' : 'sd',
    'criteria' : '1e-10',
    'force_field' : 'GAFF'

#Create and launch bb

Visualizing 3D structure

Visualizing the ligand PDB structure with the newly added hydrogen atoms, energetically minimized, using NGL:

#Show small ligand structure
view = nglview.show_structure_file(output_babel_min)
view.add_representation(repr_type='ball+stick', selection='all')
view._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['','300px'])'orthographic'

Visualizing 3D structures

Visualizing all the structures generated so far:

  • Original ligand PDB structure (left)

  • Ligand PDB structure with hydrogen atoms (middle)

  • Ligand PDB structure with hydrogen atoms energetically minimized (right)

#Show different structures generated (for comparison)
view1 = nglview.show_structure_file(input_structure)
view1._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['250px','300px'])'orthographic'
view2 = nglview.show_structure_file(output_babel_h)
view2._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['250px','300px'])'orthographic'
view3 = nglview.show_structure_file(output_babel_min)
view3._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['250px','300px'])'orthographic'
ipywidgets.HBox([view1, view2, view3])

Generating ligand parameters

Building GROMACS topology corresponding to the ligand structure.

Force field used in this tutorial step is amberGAFF: General AMBER Force Field, designed for rational drug design.

Building Blocks used:

# Acpype_params_gmx: Generation of topologies for GROMACS with ACPype
# Import module
from biobb_chemistry.acpype.acpype_params_gmx import acpype_params_gmx

# Create prop dict and inputs/outputs
output_acpype_gro = ligandCode + 'params.gro'
output_acpype_itp = ligandCode + 'params.itp'
output_acpype_top = ligandCode + ''
output_acpype = ligandCode + 'params'
prop = {
    'basename' : output_acpype,
    'charge' : mol_charge

#Create and launch bb

Visualizing 3D structure

Visualizing the generated GROMACS gro structure corresponding to the parameterized ligand PDB structure using NGL:

#Show small ligand structure
view = nglview.show_structure_file(output_acpype_gro)
view.add_representation(repr_type='ball+stick', selection='all')
view._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['','300px'])'orthographic'

Output files

Important Output files generated:

  • {{output_acpype_gro}}: Structure of the parameterized ligand in gro (GROMACS) format.

  • {{output_acpype_top}}: Topology of the parameterized ligand, including a reference to the {{output_acpype_itp}}.

  • {{output_acpype_itp}}: Include Topology File (itp) of the parameterized ligand, including the parameters information: bonds, angles, dihedrals, etc.

Questions & Comments

Questions, issues, suggestions and comments are really welcome!